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A Better Story

Matthew 28:1-10

Pastor Bob Hiller

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Colossians 3:3-4 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1. In our life story the ____________, ____________, always seems to win.

2. Easter is the true story where ____________ finally ____________!

3. ____________ does not end your story, for Jesus is risen indeed and one day you will ____________ Him!

Scripture Readings
John 20:1-18
Acts 10:34-43
Colossians 3:1-4
Matthew 28:1-10

Take It With You!

Here we will offer thoughts and meditations on the message to help us as we contemplate and discuss what we are hearing.

[The disciples] had confessed Jesus as the Son of the living God; they now knew that the life which was His as Son was an indestructible and eternal life. They knew their hope to be fixed on an order removed from, and impervious to, the dying order of this world. They knew certainly now that their narrow way, and it alone, led to life; for they had seen with their own eyes how the way of the many led to death. The Sanhedrin and Pilate together had sought to destroy the Lord of life and had succeeded only in destroying themselves. The blood of the innocent was invoked upon themselves by the men of Israel; and all Pilate's washings could not sweeten his weak hands. Jesus had given His disciples their bright hope against the background of the transience and decay of all the orders of this world and against the background of Israel's guilt and doom....The risen Lord implanted in His disciples that triumphant certainty of life which is the characteristic mark of the whole New Testament and has remained the mark of the church that lives of the apostolic witness of the New Testament. Nobody in the New Testament talks about the immortality of the soul as the basis of man's hope; these witnesses speak of the resurrection of the dead, and the resurrection of the dead is always simply the inevitable sequel of the resurrection of Christ. The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church simply because they did not prevail against Christ. He has broken through those gates.

Martin Franzmann, Follow Me, pgs. 219-220

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